The Belly Fat Diet

The Belly Fat Diet, Anti-Inflammation Diet, The New Abs Diet, Anti-cancer Diet and Hundreds of thousands of diets.

The Belly Fat Diet

The Belly fat Diet educates Dieters about the importance of healthy fats and the role of the essential fatty acids for reducing excess belly fat. You are advised to consume high quality proteins and to include protein in every meal or snack. When you first get started you are given the option to substitute one or two meals a day with a protein shake. Each day you should have five or six small meals and must always eat breakfast. Your daily intake of foods should consist of the following:

Vegetables: 5-7 servings
Protein: 5-6 servings or each time you eat
Healthy fats: 4-5 servings
Whole grains: 3-5 servings
Dairy: 2-4 servings
Fruit: 2-3 servings

The Flat Belly Diet begins with a 4-day jump start, known as the Anti-Bloat Jumpstart. The first 4 days are the most restrictive of the diet. The book gives a very specific menu for those 4 days with the focus on foods the authors claim will immediately relieve “belly bloat” and prepare the dieter to embark on the regular diet starting on day 5. One of the major components of the 4-day anti-bloat jump start is "Sassy Water," named for Cynthia Sass. This water which contains things like cucumber, ginger and other natural ingredients is supposed to aid the dieter in getting a good water intake as well as providing nutrients. After the 4-day anti-bloat part, the dieter begins the real diet which stresses a MUFA at every meal. MUFAs are mono-unsaturated fats like those found in some oils like olive oil, some chocolate like semi-sweet chocolate, some nuts and seeds, olives and avocados. The authors claim that it’s this regular ingestion of MUFAs that helps target belly fat and is credited with helping the dieter feel more full and satisfied after each meal.